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Gift Guides

Uncommon Gifts for The Runaway

December 5, 2012

There’s no cure for The Runaway’s serious case of wanderlust. No matter how many roads they trek, sights they see, and adventures they embark upon, their craving to see lands unknown cannot be sated. With a longing to observe the places, meet the people, and delight in the nuances of the world, this curious voyager is happiest when discovering a new destination. Given the joy they take from the journey, we can’t guarantee they’ll be home for the holidays; but we do have a good feeling they’ll love these travel-inspired gifts.

Single Wine Tote–Regions / QR Code Luggage Tag / Buildings–Denise Fiedler–Eiffel Tower / Places in America–Oliver Jeffers / Crumpled City Map / San Francisco Neighborhood Map Wooden Routing / Portable iPhone Charger / Scratch Travel Journal

The Uncommon Life

Giveaway: Family Traditions Journal

November 4, 2011

Every family has traditions. Some of them are big, annual events, like that special meal on your favorite holiday. Others seem smaller, like bedtime stories and inside jokes, but even those daily details help build lasting memories.

Our new Family Traditions is the perfect way to celebrate those memories and we’re giving away three, just in time for the holidays.

Whether it’s a plump turkey on Thanksgiving, Goldilocks and the Three Bears at bedtime, or a funny nickname with a funnier story behind it, the Family Traditions Journal is a way to capture those moments and pass traditions on from generation to generation.

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Paper to Silk

August 11, 2011

Finding that perfect gift for a special couple isn’t always an easy task.

We’re happy to provide a little advice and proudly offer our original Anniversary Book as a suggestion for a great wedding or anniversary gift. This hand-bound journal includes pages to help loving couples celebrate years the first twenty years of marriage, and features pages in 5-year increments for each year from 25-50.

You told us that you loved this little journal so much that we needed to take it to the next level. And with your suggestions, we developed a more complete Anniversary Journal featuring pages for each year up to that golden 50th anniversary.

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You Choose…

July 25, 2011

Packed with over 200 choices, the Vs. Journal lets you pick your favorites, then analyzes what your choices say about you. Each page features illustrations depicting the choice (for example, Fork Vs. Spoon), what each choice means (quiz style–upside down on the bottom of the page) and space for you to contemplate what you’ve just discovered.

Before this journal of choices enters our lineup, we need you to make a choice in the battle of thumbs up Vs. thumbs down in our community voting app!