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Baby Gifts


This Just In: 4-in-1 Parenting Towel

August 9, 2011

Parenting Towel

William said: “This is a thoughtful product; both in quality and design. I appreciate that it holds its value over time as the children grow.”

Kara said: “I could have used this back when my kids were young. Most times the front of my shirt looked like I took a bath too.”

Trisha said: “Great idea in my opinion. Practical, useful now and later. Perfect item for UncommonGoods.”

Our buyers agree with Trisha that the 4-in-1 Parenting Towel is perfect for UncommonGoods. Thanks to community votes and feedback, this practical parenting apron, that doubles as a towel, triples as a baby wrap and quadruples as a comfy toddler robe, is now available for purchase!

We can’t wait to see which products our voters will help us add to our assortment next! Visit our community voting app to tell us which goods you love.

Gift Guides

Best Dressed Baby

July 21, 2011

We love our new Have-A-Ball Babysuits™ so much, we started thinking about some of the other fun baby goods in our lineup. From old favorites, like the Worth the Wait Set, to new community approved items, like the Baby Fortune Cookie Booties, we have little ones covered from head to toe, whether you’re looking for an adorable outfit for your own bundle of joy or a great baby shower or new baby gift.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.
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Gift Guides

Gifts for the New Dad

June 13, 2011

Father’s Day is less than a week away, and for those first time parents it’s an extra-special day. Since we’re featuring gift ideas for of all kinds of fathers as we count down to Dad’s Day, we’re glad to share our top three gifts to help make the new daddy’s duties a little easier while he’s heating bottles, changing diapers and buttoning Babysuits™.

The newest dad in the UncommonGoods family, our Chief Technology Officer Casey, took a moment to tell us about his experience becoming a proud papa:

“Becoming a father three weeks ago to my little girl, Elle, was the greatest change in my adult life. To see that I created a life I am responsible for has really opened my eyes to another world,” he said. “I’m very happy I read several great books ahead of time as it has allowed me to understand her needs, so most of the time it is a lot of fun watching her be curious and discover the world. I am very excited to watch her grow and have a couple more!”

From baby books to diaper cream, here are our favorites.

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YouGoods: Put a new twist on old greeting cards

August 30, 2010

“Pass me the White-Out!”

Christy Eichers had just realized she had no card for the birthday girl, so she quickly fixed up an old card of her father’s.

The result was fairly tacky, but she was certain there was a business idea there somewhere.

And regreet was born:

With regreet, you can upcycle your old cards in style, and take away the stigma of passing along a card that’s been doctored with whiteout or eraser marks. Christy’s even thought of a way for you to track your card’s journey, and see just how many times it gets regreeted.

According to Christy and the Encyclopedia of American Industries, the greeting card industry is a $7.5 billion business with 90% of households purchasing cards each year. The typical household purchases 30 cards annually.

So regreet kits, made from earth-friendly materials with a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste and printed with soy inks, can have a huge impact on reducing the amount of paper we waste each year.

Christy is winning a $1,500 cash prize, along with the chance to show off her designs at World Maker Faire NYC and sell the regreet kit at

Leave a comment below to congratulate her on her idea– eco-friendly, clever, and well designed.  A perfect YouGoods design for National Inventors Month!

Gift Guides

The Good, the Bad and the Cozy

August 2, 2010

Because it’s Monday…and Monday is always a rough day, here’s a little something to get your week started off on the right foot:)

triplets in boots

Babies in cowboy boot socks! You might recognize this triple threat of adorableness from a previous post of them wearing sock monkey slippers. Perhaps they have a future in footwear modeling?

Do you have a super-cute pic of your baby or child wearing something from UncommonGoods? Send it to [email protected] and we’ll put it up on The Goods!

Gift Guides

Three Little Monkeys

July 6, 2010

Sock Monkey Slippers

Oh. My. Cuteness.

I realize that now might not be the most relevant time to be posting about slippers…considering that it is 1000 degrees outside, but I couldn’t resist sharing this adorable photo of my cousin’s new babies (yes, triplets!) wearing the baby sock monkey slippers I gave them:)

And not to be outdone, here is the family dog, Larry, modeling the slippers as well. So cute!

Sock Monkey Slippers