Gift Guides

Last Minute Gifts
That Don’t Feel Last Minute

December 8, 2016

We know we’re probably not supposed to say this, being an online store that sells really cool stuff and all, but holiday shopping isn’t always entirely fun. Sometimes it’s even stressful. Maybe you planned to get out there on Black Friday, but then spent the day recovering from too much stuffing and cranberry sauce instead. Or maybe you did get a head start on the shopping, but just realized that you still have a few people on your list, and of course they’re impossible to shop for. Now the Christmas clock is ticking. But that doesn’t mean those last minute gifts won’t be thoughtful. We’re here to help with this list of gifts so cool your giftees will wonder where you’ve been hiding them for months. (Don’t worry, the secret’s safe with us.)

Available in an array of varietal-inspired scents, Notes of Wine Perfume is the perfect gift for the oenophile with a nose for the notes in a glass’ bouquet.

If you could give them a jar of actual sunshine, you would. This is the closest thing you’ll find.| Solar Powered Mason Jar


Cocktail Recipe Cards | UncommonGoods

Does the home bar tender on your list love to mix-up their drink menu? Then they’ll get a kick out of these recipe cards. | Cheers! Mood Cocktails Recipe Deck


The flower child in your life will love putting together this pretty DIY project. | Make Your Own Flower Crown


With Christmas cookies, sugarplums, and all that fruitcake, the holiday season can get pretty sweet. Help your foodie friends find balance with a set of Solar Evaporated Finishing Salts.


An unexpected twist on the classic initial pendant, the Common Edge Initial Necklace is the perfect piece for the fashonista with a flair for combining modern and vintage looks.


Need a last minute gift, but with that “from the heart” feel? This fill-in-the-blank book helps you write your one and only a love letter. | How Do I Love Thee? From A-Z


Maybe you know a doctor who’d get a kick out of this comical definition for “diagnosis.” Or is it a banker who rebukes steryotypes of the modern financial world? Perhaps there’s a lawyer who’d love a little joke about justice? The Devil’s Dictionary Glasses feature saterical statements on  Law, Finance, and Medicine lingo.


Give grandma or grandpa the gift that helps them share their grandparently advice (and have fun doing it). | A Grandparent’s Journal – Experience & Advice


Know a Brooklynite who loves a good Manhatten? What about a Bostonian who’s bound to enjoy a bottle of Sam Adams in the near future? Help them keep their furniture ring-free while they celebrate their home city. | Neighborwoods Map Coasters


Cocktail Ice Liner | UncommonGoods

Whether it’s whiskey or a creative cocktail they crave, they probably don’t want it watered-down. The Cocktail Ice Liner keeps drinks undiluted longer than ice cubes. Now that rocks.


Make a white wine lover’s holiday wish come true: chilled wine, any time (and anywhere). | On the Go Wine Cooler


Make Your Own Chocolate Truffles Kit makes an extra-sweet gift for the chocoholic who also has a DIY addiction.


This pretty poster will be music to your giftee’s…eyes. | Musical Instruments Chart

See more last minute gift ideas from UncommonGoods

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