My hometown is…
Princeton, NJMy favorite project I’ve worked on at UncommonGoods is…
Happening right now! But it’s a secret. Shhhh.
I’m inspired by…
So much! On a daily basis though, I would be remiss not to mention Pinterest. It’s basically design crack.
I’m passionate about…
Kindness // Bicycles. They’re super fun, and environmentally friendly. Win-win. // The use of words in text messaging. No LOLs, please. // Travel. Restaurants, bars, stores, parties, hotels, countries, towns, cities you name it I want to be in it exploring. // The ocean // My family, friends, and relationship. // Mad Men! Breaking Bad! Game of Thrones! In no particular order. I’m a fair weather friend when it comes to TV.
An uncommon fact about me…
Did you know UncommonGoods employs the Dance Dance Revolution world champion? I can’t compete with that.
My favorite place to hang out in New York City is…
Sigh, R.I.P. Lakeside Lounge.
My style is…
Thankfully evolving.
Working at UncommonGoods, I’ve learned…
How fascinatingly beautiful the Brooklyn Army Terminal is.
Would you rather…Get a tattoo of a celebrity’s face OR relive your most embarrassing moment?
I think reliving my most embarrassing moments would remain interesting longer. Let’s just say it’s lucky that I have a sense of humor.
Most embarrassing moment? Oh please tell more!
Hi – I create portraits from photographs while using words or phrases that describe the person. I can create famous people or personalized portraits. How do I get my web gallery or samples in front of the right people?
I am an art director and have a branding agency in Tulsa Oklahoma. Here is my company’s web site.
I bet it is fun everyday at uncommon goods!
I forgot to give you my word portrait site. It is
Have a great day!
Hi Brent,
Thanks for sharing! You can show our buyers your work here:
Cassie | UncommonGoods