The past month has been filled with nothing but news of the oil spill spreading, wildlife dying and no end in sight. Hearing this information and seeing the devastating photos leaves many of us feeling helpless. While we might not be able to stop the leak, we can work to clean up our own act.
I saw 7 Tips to Ensure a Less Toxic World on the HuffingtonPost it and piqued my interest. It turns out that the US’s “Toxic Substances Control Act” has not been touched since its inception in 1976. So it’s time to put things in our own hands. From bringing playtime back to the basics to eating intelligently, these tips are doable, reasonable and just downright logical. Take a minute to skim the tips and take a look at what you can do for your family and future generations. Does your life need a simple straighten-up or a deep scrubbing?
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