The Uncommon Life

Gift Lab #1: Gaby vs. the Laptop Bag

April 27, 2010

Alexander Girard Laptop Bag

1) Product Name: Alexander Girard Laptop Sling in Retrospective

2) Background Research: I travel for work often, and am almost always lugging around a laptop.  This laptop sling was in the studio, because I had just photographed it, and I was in desperate need of a new laptop carrier.  I grabbed it as I ran out the door to catch my flight.

3)  Hypothesis: If I use this laptop bag, then the way I travel (and my life!) will be changed for the better.

4)  Experiment: Take the laptop sling to Wisconsin for the printing of the Summer 2010 catalog.

Alexander Girard Laptop Bag

5)  Results: I loved this bag! I have never really spent anytime thinking about it, but carrying your laptop around horizontally is not nearly as easy as carrying it vertically.  I noticed right away how much easier it was to walk up and down the airplane aisles with that and a carry-on.  I was happy to discover that I didn’t end up smacking anyone upside the head with the edge of the bag, which unfortunately for those who are on my flights … is not all that uncommon for me.  And something else I loved, three separate people stopped me to ask about my bag and tell me how cool they thought it was!

The main draw back I had with this bag was that I chose the black and white one (Retrospective), and while I think the design is really great, due to the fact that I often wear dark denim, the side of
the bag that was up against my pant leg picked up some of the blue. Not really the worst thing in the world to happen, but if this is an issue for you, you might want to go with one of the more colorful versions.

Alexander Girard Laptop Bag

Conclusion:  The way I travel changed!  As for changing my life … well, people stopping me to tell me I have great taste, and making me feel like a trend setter didn’t make it worse 😉

About the researcher: Gaby is a photographer and associate art director at UncommonGoods. She enjoys baking, crafting, throwing parties and wandering around the city.


  • Reply micah May 26, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Hey Gaby, this is super duper and totally awesome. Just sayin.

  • Reply Diane June 8, 2010 at 8:34 am

    Must have one for my iPad!!!! Hope they make that size soooon – in LaFonda!

  • Reply Robert Gibson December 19, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    I think my wife would love one. But she has a 17 inch laptop. She has been looking for a good laptop bag. If you think you could accommodate that size then email me. In the la fonda style if possible. Thank you

  • Reply wendy December 22, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    I also love this bag and own a 17in. monitor. I would love an email like the Mr. before me. Merci aussi!

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