Uncommon Knowledge

Uncommon Knowledge: Did a koala break into your house?

December 29, 2014

Tree Hugger Koala | UncommonGoods

If a koala did break into your house, vandalize your car, or commit any other array of felonies, the detectives would have a tough time figuring out whodunit—or, more specifically, which species-dunit. Turns out, we share fingerprint patterns with the adorably moody creatures. The prints are so identical that even a trained expert would have trouble telling the human and koala prints apart, even with a microscope. Koalas are in fact in the only marsupials to have these kinds of prints, a possible evolutionary advantage to aid in climbing. So what’s the real takeaway from this? Never rule out a highly advanced koala with a vendetta when investigating a crime scene.

Tree Hugger Koala, $90


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