Melissa said: “This is a clever and unique product that gives a classic look to a new, technological product.”
Emily said: “What about some Jane Austen titles?”
We asked our community to choose from a list of possible titles for these classic book-inspired e-reader covers. The feedback came rolling in, and these new community approved covers are now available. Jeffrey will be please to know Darwin’s title was a natural selection. Although Pride and Prejudice wasn’t on our original list, Emily’s suggestion caught our eye, and we’ve added it to the library.
Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales earned the most votes. Enthusiastic readers also loved Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
Our voters helped us choose the perfect titles for these handbound book cases. You too can help shape the future of UncommonGoods by voting and sharing your feedback on the new products added to our community voting app each week.
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