Gift Guides

Gift Lab: Getting Ready for Spring with the Cold Brew Coffee Maker & Carafe

April 19, 2018
Cold Brew Coffee Maker and Carafe | UncommonGoods

Marketing Analyst Morgan B. poses proudly with her latest brew. (You can also buy her necklace here.)


Cold Brew Coffee Maker & Carafe


Like most humans these days, I love a good cup of coffee. I am a completely non-functional blob before my daily dose of caffeine. Warm weather is quickly approaching over here in Brooklyn, and that can only mean one thing for us coffee addicts: it’s cold brew time. I drink my fair share of cold brew and have absolutely no idea how it is created, so what better way to find out than to test this handy-dandy Cold Brew Coffee Maker & Carafe?


I’m going to make some dope cold brew coffee that will keep me caffeinated until the end of time.

Betcha dollars to donuts your grocery store grounds don’t come with a piece of art made from dried banana tree bark.


First things first, the packing and actual product is so gorgeous! It’s super sleek and definitely something I’m proud to show off in my kitchen. Second things second, I realized I needed to actually have some ground coffee to make this cold brew. I used the ground Coffee Beans for a Better World, which support women and schoolchildren in Kenya and come with a really cool handmade piece of art.

Once the apparatus was out of its packaging, I read the directions and realized this cold brew takes a REALLY long time to make. And by really long I mean you only have to leave it in there overnight but I was extremely excited and wanted to drink it then and there.

I have zero cooking or drink-making ability so when I tell you this was unbelievably easy to make you’ve gotta know it’s the truth. All I needed to do was put the coffee grounds in the top filter and pour some water over the top of it a few times and then close the lid and wait. That’s. It. AMAZING!

The next morning I awoke to a freshly cold brewed batch of coffee. The only step I had to do was press a single button and the coffee flowed into the portable carafe attached to the bottom of the brewing device. I will say the only thing that I didn’t realize is that I’d need to either refrigerate the cold brew or pop in some ice in order for it to actually be cold. But all in all that’s really not a big deal because I took a sip of this stuff and it was magical.

Don’t forget to pop your brew in the fridge (or add ice) once it’s done for deliciously cool flava.


I did it. I made some dope cold brew. It was way easier than I expected and I’ve used it a few times a week since I first got it. I highly recommend this to anyone that wants an easy way to make a full carafe of cold brew with basically no effort put into the process. Caffeine for all!

Craft your own cold brew, no training required »


  • Reply Marie DiDato May 23, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    I brew a pot of coffee In my regular coffee maker and put it in the fridge overnight. I don’t know why this gadget seems like a new idea.

  • Reply Michael Harper May 23, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    That’s just cold coffee, not cold brewed. There’s a difference.

  • Reply Lorilee McDowell May 24, 2018 at 9:51 am

    The Toddy coffee maker has been around for a good fifty years. Makes a full pound of coffee concentrate at a time, has an attractive glass carafe, freezes beautifully. Concentrate works for hot or cold coffee, good for flavoring desserts, too. Why go through this every day, when you can make your coffee once a week??

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